Front Sight Magazine

Front Page
Pg 54


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Born in a rural Upstate New York town called Oswego, Steve’s love of shooting started early.  On crisp, frigid winter mornings, Steve, his dad, and brother would hunt deer while enjoying target shooting and the stark brilliance of the snow-powdered woods.  Steve learned young to both respect and enjoy the shooting sports.  He progressed to shooting trap with an older marksman, who he is still humble to not only call his mentor, but also his friend.

As Steve grew up, he became very busy with obtaining his Bachelors in Business, Masters in Supply Chain Management, and Masters in Organizational Management along with his career and family, but still found time for his passion.  His shooting evolved to pistols and rifles which led him to the steel target world.  Steve has been very successful making an impression in the year 2016 as he took first place a total of seventeen times in the Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida state-level matches.  He also placed second place in Rimfire Rifle Iron in the World Speed Shooting Championship held in California in addition to numerous top five finishes.

Personally, Steve is a gushing father of two girls: Olivia who is seven and Vanessa who is nine.  Steve fosters his love of shooting with his girls and hopes to get them out at the range to compete very soon. He is married to his biggest fan and support of 20 years, Teresa.  They live near Atlanta, GA.

Professionally, Steve’s drive and passion is matched only by his recreational ambition and love for his family.  He works in the distribution world.  Within the range of 23 years, he has worked his way up from a forklift operator to now, a General Manager of a one million square foot distribution center, managing around one thousand employees year-round.  These accolades pale in comparison to the people Steve has met out on the range. He is humbled by the many shooters he has met on his travels. They are more than friends; they are family.

Steve’s hope and vision for the shooting sports is to grow the sport and pass on his enthusiasm to the next generation of shooters along with those who are new to the sport.  He wishes to give back to this sport which has given so much to him.

If you would like to contact Steve, please email him at or fill out the form below: